Stunning. As perfect as a crystal comes.
"Came from the same seem of quartz that was producing the Lemurian Seed Crystals and other exceptional tools"
Dimensions 4" x 3.2" x 2" inches
Weight 618 grams - 1 lb. 5.8 oz.
Crystal Properties: Master Initiation Channeling, Rainbows.
Fire and Ice is a stone of new beginnings and profound growth, cutting through the old to reveal the soul's purpose and showing how we create our own reality. It is particularly useful for spiritual manifestation, having a strong resonance with the Law of Attraction.
'' Rainbows in Crystals ''
Will appear as internal fractures (foils) Rainbows are the closest manifestations of Pure White Light that can be witnessed on this plane. Rainbows unite and integrates heaven and earth. On special Occasions rainbows choose to live within the the world of a crystal, displaying their magic to us. Truly a gift from the Universe if you are Blessed to receive one of these.
When used in Meditation Rainbow crystals open the doorway way to the realm of pure color. Back to the source of all life, the Great Central Sun, the foundation of our reality. They are also know to be bringers of happiness and master depression fighters.