General Description
Discover our stunning collection of natural glossy, bright pink Rose Quartz cobbed pieces directly from Namibia. These pieces are perfect for hobbyists and gemstone enthusiasts alike. Rose Quartz from Namibia is a rare find, making these stones even more special. In Namibia, Rose Quartz has been discovered in various locations, including: Swakopmund District, Southern Damaraland, Karasburg District and the Karibib District. A Gem with a Legend, Rose Quartz has been cherished through the ages as a symbol of romantic love. According to one variation of a Greek legend, Aphrodite rushed to aid Adonis in his battle with Ares. In the struggle, she was cut by a thorn bush, and her blood mixed with that of the dying Adonis, dripping onto white quartz and staining it pink forever. Price is grade dependant. Items are as shown.
Product Data
Locality = Namibia
Grade = Very Good Grade
Size = 102 - 66 mm | 4 - 2.6 inch
Net Weight = 2.9 Kg | 6.3 Lbs
Product Type = Small Batch